No seriously.  They took maybe ninety-two (92) shots of us and who knows when this one was snapped as we were actually getting down to some nitty gritty business stuff then.  Anyhoo, the Daily Pilot had a little write up explaining all the trenches Noah and I have been getting into and what Jerry, me, and the crew over at The Iron Press has been skipping along to.  We were not notified when the article was going to the presses and unfortunately someone called in sick that morning it was published!  Man o man, we were running around like crazed lunatics trying to keep our customers happy that morning.  For all of you who visited us then and it took a wee bit too long to get that food into those mouths of yours, we asure you that things have improved by leaps and bounds.  That is not to say we have worked out all of our of problems, but every day looks a little bit shinier!

Hop on over here to check out the article:,0,7697359.story

Then hop on over to our shop and try some beer, oops I mean waffles (and stay for more beer).  If you are more inclined to enrich your knowledge, take a bigger leap over to to see what the shuck we are up to.

Smoochies, Len and Jerry