Saint Archer Brewing x The Iron Press Big thanks go out to everyone who came out and the Coronado/Stone guys for our last Tuesday Tap Takeover.  Up next we have the huge action sports and beer mash-up, Saint Archer Brewing!  If you aren't familiar with these guys, Paul Rodriguez, Mikey Taylor, Taylor Knox, Dusty Pane, Sean Malto, and many others formed an all-star brewery.  They may be relatively new on the block, but they are already pumping out amazing brews.  Save Tuesday- February 4th, 2014 AD from 5 PST - 10 PM PST locked in your calendars!

Without further ado, here is the beer lineup for the Saint Archer Brewing Tuesday Tap Takeover:

1. Blonde – 4.8% ABV | 22 IBU – Modeled after the bright, beautiful ales of Koln, Germany, this interpretation has a clean, crisp malt character similar to a pilsner. The unique yeast strain and the unique blend of Noble hops from Germany give this beer it's drinkability.

2. White Ale – 5% ABV | 15 IBU – This Belgian White, released on Feb. 1st, is brewed with high quality Pilsner and wheat malts, generously spiced with coriander, and fresh orange peel. The Belgian yeast provides the refreshingly tart, spicy, and fruity flavor.

3. Pale Ale – 5.2% ABV | 40 IBU – Balanced toward the hoppy end of the spectrum, this straight-forward California style pale is eminently session able. Crystal and Munich malts provide a backbone to showcase the bright, citrus, piney notes of Cascade, Chinook, and Simcoe hops.

4. Experimental Pale Ale – 5.3% ABV | 55 IBU – Experimental Pale Ale was born from a hop-breeding program. Hop Union, in Yakima, Washington, have an experimental hopbreeding program called “X-Hops”. We were lucky enough to be allowed to test three of their trial varieties. To emphasize the hop character, we designed a beer with an extremely light body. Then for each hop addition for bittering, flavor, and aroma, a different hop variety was used. This beer gives us a window into how, or if an experimental variety will be used in the future.

5. Coffee Brown – 6% ABV | 20 IBU – Built on a back-bone of Maris Otter than a triad of chocolate and crystal malts which impart a smooth rich malt character. They collaborated with a local La Jolla award-winning roaster, Bird Rock Coffee Roasters and chose to infuse a Kenya Makwa coffee using a cold extraction method. The coffee imparts a dark fruit, chocolate, plum, and blackberry jam characteristics.

6. Coffee Brown Nitro – 6% ABV | 20 IBU – All the goodness of Saint Archer's Coffee Brown one expect delivered on NITRO!!!

7. India Pale Ale – 6.8% ABV | 66 IBU – You would expect from an American IPA: hop forward, yet civilized. Bitter but balanced. Cascade hops ring loud and clear with citrus/pine notes and are backed up with a chorus of other hop flavors - Apollo, Centennial, Chinook, Columbus, Crystal, and Simcoe

8. Scottish Ale – 7% ABV | 18 IBU – Their Scottish Ale is loaded with a clean malt flavor layered throughout the beer. They created this beer to be malt forward, yet sessionable. East Kent Golding hops are used to balance but not overpower the malt profile. Big enough to comfort that malt craving, yet very smooth and balanced. Enjoy!

9. Double IPA – 8.3% ABV | 97 IBU – This beer encompasses everything we love about a Double IPA. HOPS! We used simple two-row base malt as a vehicle to bring a burst of hops to your palate. A healthy dose of Chinook, Simcoe, and Citra is the reason we love brewing this beer.

In the mean time, check out these pics from our friends at the brewery:

Saint Archer Yummyness

Saint Archer Brewers

We hope to see you all there!

Smoochies, The Iron Press Crew