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The Menu for Tonight's Tuesday Tap Takeover - The Valiant Brewing Edition

Valiant Brewing x The Iron Press Aloha!

In keeping with the tropical theme of our collaboaration brew, Suavamente del Firkmenta, Chefs Andrew and Mina have mashed up some super fun and tasty Hawaiian inspired dishes to pair alongside the yummy and well-balanced line-up from Valiant for tonight!

1. Kalua Pork - Braised pork on top of an open-faced, waffle iron toasted Hawaiian roll bun with a scoop of macaroni salad - $9

2. Aloha Mochi - Mochi waffle with green tea ice cream, pineapple coulis, topped with a sesame seed tuile - $7

Here is a little sneak peek for you guys:

Kalua Pork

Aloha Mochi


See you guys tonight!

Mahalo, The Iron Press

Valiant Brewing's Lineup!

MMMMMM...Beer Lookie lookie here!

We have an amazing line up from Valiant Brewing coming up for you guys this Tuesday for our Tap Takeover in Anaheim.  The boys out in Orange have brewed up some delicious stuff for us to splash in your glasses so you can splash it in your moufs!  We have a big surprise as we collaborated with them for a cask conditioned specialty.

Here is the salivating list for you guys:

1. Sessionability – 3.8% ABV | 46 IBU – Aroma is mild pine and grassy. Super clean and refreshing malt flavor, very dry on the finish but perfect elevated bitterness to round out the experience.

2. Suavemente – 4.4% ABV | 22 IBU – Created using guava puree, and lots of love. This testament to guava has a delicate guava aroma as well as delectable passionfruit aroma. There is a flavor of malt, with guava coming to hit the mid palate. Finishes crisp but creamy

3. Cask Conditioned Suavemente – 4.4% ABV | 22 IBU – Same as above, BUT!, conditioned with more guava, watermelon, and yuzu.

4. Criterion – 5.6% ABV | 20 IBU – Brewed with Wildflower Honey and Rye Malt. Clean malt aroma with a light wildflower honey, spicy and fruity notes. Flavor is both floral and spicy with a distinct rye profile that comes through mid-palate. The finish is dry with a low bitterness.

5. Crescendo – 6.5% ABV | 31 IBU – The first hint of Crescendo greets you with a bouquet of herbal, foral, and citrus hop fragrance as well as a clean malty aroma. Flavor components begin with a slight maltyness that guides you toward an elevated hop favor. A refreshingly crisp and clean experience greets you at the finish letting you enjoy the low bitterness that comes from our hop forward approach.

6. Fields Ablaze – 6.8% ABV | 22 IBU – Tart, lemony, clean malt character thrives with the floral yet spicy aroma. Light malt sweetness and a slight grainy texture. Low bitterness develops flavor profile that allows a crisp refreshing finish.

7. Alpha Drive – 8.8% ABV | 90 IBU – Aromatic notes of tropical and citrus fruits such as passion fruit and grapefruit. Enjoy the flavors of caramel and bready malt intermixed with the sticky resin quality of Centennial hops. Alpha drive finishes strong with our precise rolling bitterness that hop-heads and new drinkers alike will crave.

8. Axiom – 10.5% ABV | 28 IBU – Delicious Graham cracker with a slight malty highlight. Cherry combines with raisin, some spiciness and a few alcohol esters. A rich caramel sweetness leads into a diverse mixture of malt characters. A taste of clove with a little herbal hops and a light hotness. Medium mouthfeel. A flicker of warmth and a mildly dry sensation as well as low sweetness.

9. Valiant 1st Anniversary – 12.3% ABV | 100+ IBU – The first thought they had when we began to create their Anniversary beer was “make it big.” The complexity of creating a hybrid Belgian Barleywine makes this a true rarity among beers. Their Anniversary beer will grab ahold of you with its strong floral aroma and esters. The depth of flavor comes from the intense four-hour boil that creates the profound caramel maltiness. The Pièce de résistance is thier French Strisselspalt hops which bring a dynamic bittering element to an already unique Barleywine.

10. Kratos – 12.5% ABV | 31 IBU – Pear, cactus and a wonderful bouquet of flowers. The flavor has a mango and honeydew melon as well as a semi sweet finish with a pleasant texture from the grain. Good head retention.

11. Alpha Overdrive – 14.3% ABV | 100+ IBU – Delicious Graham cracker with a slight malty highlight. Cherry combines with raisin, some spiciness and a few alcohol esters. A rich caramel sweetness leads into a diverse mixture of malt characters. A taste of clove with a little herbal hops and a light hotness. Medium mouthfeel. A flicker of warmth and a mildly dry sensation as well as low sweetness.

Smoochies, The Iron Press Crew

Tuesday Tap Takeovers - The Valiant Brewing Edition

Tuesday Tap Takeovers - The Valiant Brewing Edition After making you guys pucker with us out in Costa Mesa, we have Valiant Brewing Company lined up for our next Tuesday Tap Takeover in Anaheim!  Etch into your desk August 5th, 2014 AD from 5 - 10 PM PST.

We have been working with the boys at Valiant to brew a special cask offering that evening, so stay tuned!

Smoochies, The Iron Press Crew

The Menu for Tonight's Tuesday Tap Takeover - Flight of Tartness Edition

Flight of Tartness We have some fun dishes ready for you guys to stuff your faces silly with!

Here is what Chef Andrew and Paco has paired up with all those wonderful sour brews we will be sipping on tonight:

1. Chicago Dog - Beer Braised Hot Polish Topped with Green and Red Peppers + Finished Off with Mustard and Sweet Relish - $10

2. Cinnamon Crunch Waffle with Maple Milk Glaze + a Scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream - $8

Smoochies, The Iron Press Crew

Flight of Tartness Lineup!

Pucker Up! Calling all TARTS!

Are you guys ready to pucker up/black hole your cheeks into your face/zing your jowels?!  Some of these guys we have been sitting on for almost a year just to hatch in your mouth.  Check out our lineup for tomorrow's Tuesday Tap Takeover:

1. Bandwagon – 3% ABV | Left Coast – A traditional Berliner Weisse style beer brewed right over here in San Clemente

2. Tart Simpson – 3% ABV | Beachwood Brewery – Tart Simpson is fermanted with one of our favorite German ale yeasts and cold conditioned for a period of three weeks to smooth out the flavors. The result is a light bodied and refreshing wheat beer with subtle acidic notes and lively carbination

3. The Kimme, The Yinke, and the Holy Gose – 4.2% ABV | Anderson Valley – The refreshing tartness in this divine, bright golden-colored ale gives way to earthy undertones and hints of citrus followed by a slight sea salt-like dryness and tangy, effervescent finish

4. Golden Gate Gose – 5% ABV | Almanac – Fermented with their house saison yeast, this delecate and tart beer is a perfect summer refresher. Pair with seafood and sunshine

5. Flan-diddly-anders – 5.5% ABV | Karl Strauss – Their version of a Flanders-style Red Ale is as tart as it is complex

6. Rueuze – 5.9% ABV | The Bruery – Notes of hay, barnyard funk, apricots, and even olives play wonderfully with the balanced acidity

7. Madame Rose – 6.5% ABV | Goose Island – A sour brown kriek made with Michigan sour cherries aged in oak barrels for over 2 years with a roselare yeast culture

8. Kriek – 6.5% ABV | Cascade – Brewed with 4 types of cherries and aged in oak for one year, this Belgian Flanders Style Red Ale is refermanted with a blend of fresh whole Northwest cherries, and then hand bottled

9. Berazzled – 7.3% ABV | The Bruery – A tart raspberry ale that will make you feel like you are slurping down an entire raspberry bush... do raspberries grow on bushes?

10. Sour in the Rye – 7.8% ABV | The Bruery – This American Rye Ale was brewed with a substantial portion of rye malt, and the spicy character of the grain asserts itself with clove and pepper in the aroma and flavor. Add in sour chery notes from their special blend of micro-organisms and vanilla from the red wine barrels and you’ve got a mouthful!

11. Lolita – 8.7% ABV | Goose Island – Fermented with Brettanomyces and fresh raspberries, this brew is bright yet deep with spices and edges of the fruits natural tart quality to give it a white wine kind of finish

12. The Vine – 7.5% ABV | Cascade – This Northwest Style Sour Ale is a blend of soured Tripel, Blond Quad and Golden ales that have been refermanted with the fresh pressed juices of white wine grapes. The beer spent more than six months in lactic fermentation and aging in small oak barrels

13. Cuvee De Tomme – 11% ABV | Lost Abbey – A massive brown ale base that is made from four fermantable sugars including Malted Barley, Raisins, Candi Sugar, and Sour Cherries, this beer is fully fermented before being placed in bourbon barrels for over a year. One of the most complex and unique beers they make. You know you like the fact it’s 11% too

We can't wait to squish our faces with you guys!

Smoochies, The Iron Press Crew

Best of Orange County 2014 - The Wookie!

I Did It All For The Wookie! Orange Coast Magazine and FoodBeast have chosen The Iron Press' Wookie as one of the best desserts in Orange County for 2014!

Join in on the fun for only $40 (presale ends online at 5 PM TODAY) or at the door at Rancho Las Lomas for a bunch of tastings - including Mini-Wookies made in collaboration with Hans' Homemade Ice Cream, drinks, photo booths, and more! The event is just about sold out, so hurry!

Details at:

Huge ups to Anne Watson for the amazing photos and the Lagunas for helping to launch this bad boy!

Here is the flier for the event:

Best of Orange Coast Invitation


Smoochies, The Iron Press Crew

Tuesday Tap Takeovers - Flight of Tartness Edition

Flight of Tartness Hello All You Sour Lovers!

Keeping with the tradition of our Flight of Darkness Tap Takeovers in the winter, we want to make your little faces pucker up with some deliciously refreshing and some super boozy brews at our first ever Flight of Tartness!

We already have over a dozen sour brews we have been stocking up on and we should be adding a couple more before the event.  Check back with us soon for the lineup, but in the mean time, smudge your phone screens and save July 22nd, 2014 AD from 5 PM - 10 PM PST.  This event will be held at the O.G. Costa Mesa location, be there or...just be there.

Smoochies, The Iron Press Crew

The Menu for Tonight's Tuesday Tap Takeover - The Bottle Logic Brewing Edition

Bottle Logic Brewing x The Iron Press The day is finally upon us and we can't wait to celebrate our first Tuesday Tap Takeover in our Anaheim location! We have a surprise 13th brew coming from Bottle Logic, so when we know, you guys will ha ha.

Here is what Chef Andrea has dreamed up for us tonight:

1. Marble Rye Ruben Waffle - Filled with Pastrami, Melted Gruyere Cheese + Sauerkraut. Served with a side of Double Actuator Beer Mustard + Dill Pickles - $11

2. Maple Bacon Belgian Waffle - Topped with House-Made Chai Ice Cream, Candied Walnuts, Cardamom Sugar + Maple Chai Syrup - $9

Here are some sneak peaks for the yummy goodness:

Marble Rye Ruben Waffle

Maple Bacon Belgian Waffle


The Iron Press Crew

Bottle Logic Brewing's Lineup!

teh dav1d b0w1e Happy weekend beer lovers!

The lineup for our first ever Tuesday Tap Takeover in Anaheim is ready for your viewing pleasure!  What you see here is our tasting session with the guys over at Bottle Logic Brewing.  Chef Andrea prepared some delicious house made syrups and infusions to pair up with Bottle Logic's delicious brown - and so we have collaborated and created...teh dav1d b0w1e (only the best representation of Nikola Tesla *EVER*!).

We had a lot of fun that morning and are looking forward to pouring out a baker's dozen of their electrifying brews including a surprise beer they will be bringing in that afternoon!

Without further ado, the rad beer list for July 8th, 2014 AD:

1. E.M.P – 4.7% ABV | 30 IBU – This brown porter is brewed to showcase the lighter side of dark beers. With a dose of caramel up front and a light roast finish, this porter is sure to satisfy.

2. teh dav1d b0w1e – 5.5% ABV | 22 IBU – A Bottle Logic x The Iron Press collaboration. A delicious brown ale with plenty of espresso beans, chai, and organic maple syrup. Come celebrate this beer with us!!

3. Hanamachi – 5.5% ABV | 10 IBU – Japanese style rice lager, easy drinking and super dry, this beer finishes out at 0 degrees plato!

4. She Shot First – 5.5% ABV | 35 IBU – Their twist on an American Pale Ale, She Shot First, is brewed with generous amounts of malted wheat, and Pacific North West hops. This particular combination produces enormous flavors and aromas of citrus, while still being very sessionable

5. Mother Heifer – 5.5% ABV | 21 IBU – A stout brewed with lactose sugar, caramel malt and oats, resulting in a rich and velvety smooth finish.

6. Prequel: Alpha – 6% ABV | 60 IBU – Distinct hop flavor and bitterness blends with Belgian yeast flavors and a dry finish.

7. Anaheim, California – 6.5% ABV | 30 IBU – Smoked chile aromas. Earthy bitterness with each sip. This beer has a lower level of carbonation with a slightly crisp mouthfeel.

8. POG Juice – 6.5% ABV | 55 IBU – A tropical IPA with fresh pineapple, orange, and guava juices. This beer should be called OMG Juice, on account of how scrum-diddly-umcious it is.

9. Recursion 2 – 6.5% ABV | 60 IBU – They’ve changed the grain bill up a little bit and are using Meridian and El Dorado hops to bring out big notes of cantaloupe and watermelon. It’s a bright and juicy flavor explosion

10. Leche Mole – 7.0% ABV | 21 IBU – Mocha Mexican Milk Stout brewed with vanilla beans, cocoa nibs, coffee, and Anaheim/Ancho chiles. One of the best Milk Stouts around.

11. Tattered Prince – 7% ABV | 27 IBU – This traditional Saison is brewed with new world ingredients such as Sorachi Ace hops, fresh ground ginger, coriander, orange peel, and then fermented with an authentic French farmhouse yeast. Tattered Prince takes the standard Saison and adds citrus and spice complexity.

12. Double Actuator – 10.0% ABV | 80 IBU – This Double IPA is brewed and generously dry hopped with Mosiac hops. You'll find this ale to have a super floral nose, smooth bitterness, with hints of blueberries, mango, and papaya.

13. Suprise! – ?.?% ABV | ?? IBU – Bottle Logic is going to be bringing you all a special release brew. Stay tuned to find out more. Same beer time, same beer channel.


House Made Syrups and Infusions!

We can't wait to see everyone in Anaheim, see you guys soon!

Smoochies, The Iron Press Crew

Tuesday Tap Takeovers - The Bottle Logic Brewing Edition

Tuesday Tap Takeovers - The Bottle Logic Brewing Edition Hello there!

On July 8th, 2014 A.D. from 5 - 10 PM PST, we will be hosting our first ever Tuesday Tap Takeover in our new location in Anaheim!

Local brewery wizards from Bottle Logic are loading us up with some fantastic beers, including a specialty one-off brew just for The Iron Press - ooh la la!

Check back with us soon for updates and the unveiling of our collaboration.

Smoochies, The Iron Press